The winter holiday season has arrived while the end of the calendar year waits on the horizon, and November was packed with activity. Some of it was inspiring: on November 6 dozens of volunteers joined me and other local officials as we walked across DC picking up trash. We covered over 11 miles and made lots of new friends, a huge success.
But some of the past month was incredibly difficult: on November 13th Nina Larson, an employee of Mintwood Place on Columbia Road, was hit by a driver and killed while walking across the street. Many of us gathered to remember Nina and honor her life as her family mourns from afar. As the healing process continues, I'm pushing for a permanent memorial to be erected. This is alongside many efforts to improve pedestrian safety throughout Adams Morgan.
Below is a recap from November's events, an overview of December 2021, our resident + business in focus, and this month's video briefing.
Settlement agreements with Glory and D Light Cafe both passed 8-0; these are voluntary agreements between community groups like the ANC and liquor vendors over the terms of their business operations
Organized and led a crosstown cleanup event, walking over 11 miles from near American University to River Terrace
Testified at subcommittee on redistricting public roundtable calling for fair redistricting priorities
Testified at committee on judiciary and public safety in favor of ranked choice voting
Submitted a letter to select DC officials urging improved pedestrian safety in Adams Morgan
Represented ANC 1C at the November Adams Morgan Partnership BID board meeting
Requested repairs to hammock and flag replacement in Kalorama Park; I'll update when the Department of General Services gets these done!
December 1: ANC 1C general meeting (agenda here, link to attend here)
December 14: Holiday caroling with ANC 1C commissioners and neighbors. Meet at Unity Park at 7:30pm; music is available here
TBA: I'm continuing to work with DDOT to bring improvements to street safety in 1C03; hoping to have an official announcement with specifics soon!
Resident in focus: Rachel Norman
Lives on: Columbia Rd NW
From: Turlock, California
In Adams Morgan since: 2016
For fun: Wreath-making, volunteering with her local Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter, visiting with friends in Kalorama Park
For work: Clark Construction
Favorite part of living in Adams Morgan: the vibrancy of the neighborhood, eclectic cuisine and local shops
Rachel is leading the way on DC call box restoration, with Adams Morgan next on the list! See her past work at
Business in focus: Shiva
Industry: Retail
Address: 2436 18th St NW
In Adams Morgan since: 1980
An Adams Morgan institution, they offer something for smokers and non-smokers alike!
If you would like to nominate an Adams Morgan 1C03 business or resident (including yourself!) to be featured in a future month's update, message me here
See a reference or abbreviation you don't understand? Look it up in my ANC key term index
Don't miss December's video update! Always about 1 minute long; this month's topic is community