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Thawing Out

Spring is in the air, and that means our streets and parks will soon be even more lively. As always, there is lots of work ahead to keep Adams Morgan beautiful and safe.

Anyone interested in sharing their time can rest assured: there are many volunteer opportunities to be active in the neighborhood! A good start is in Kalorama Park, where neighbors have already begun tending to the facilities.

On a rainy Saturday morning, I joined fellow volunteers to begin preparing Kalorama Park's Jardín de las Mariposas (Butterfly Garden) for springtime.

Now let's review March 2023, look forward to April 2023, meet our organization + business in focus, and see this month's video briefing.

  • Voted in support (7-0-0) of a settlement agreements with Mola Empanada and Code Red

    • These are voluntary agreements between community groups like the ANC and liquor vendors over the terms of their business operations

  • Supported (7-0-0) a patio permit application for Federalist Pig

  • Postponed (7-0-0) consideration of a resolution regarding the expiration of the Adams Morgan Moratorium Zone to the ANC's April meeting agenda

  • Attended education meet-up with Ward 1 parents and students

    • Besides listening to community input, I also helped translate and lead discussion among Spanish-speaking attendees

  • Attended community conversation on public safety organized by the Adams Morgan BID

  • Signed letter to Congressmember James Comer regarding blatant racism involved in Committee hearing on DC oversight

  • Signed letter urging DC Council to formally propose an end to the U.S. embargo on Cuba

  • Organized and oversaw special election for ANC 1C01

  • The 1800 blocks of Kalorama and Wyoming have begun the conversion process to becoming one-ways

    • This is a multiple-step process that will include speed bump installation and line painting

  • April 5: ANC 1C general meeting (agenda here, link to attend here)

  • Oversight season is here! I'll be testifying on budget priorities to several DC government offices and welcome your thoughts

  • Ongoing: DC Water is continuing the replacement of lead pipes on Columbia Rd NW

    • This is a continuation of the project that replaced pipes on Wyoming and Kalorama in 2022


Organization in focus: Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

When they began: 1986

What they do: Work to ensure all DC residents have housing and related resources

Mission: "Our mission is to use the law to make justice a reality for our neighbors who struggle with homelessness and poverty…combining representation, systemic reform, policy and budget advocacy, and community engagement to achieve housing justice for DC’s lowest income residents."

How you can help: Volunteer your time and/or become a donor

Business in focus: Rioja Market & Deli

Industry: Food and beverage

Address: 1824 Columbia Rd NW

In Adams Morgan since: 2017

Conveniently located for purchasing drinks and snacks on a moment's notice

If you would like to nominate an Adams Morgan business or DC organization (including your own!) to be featured in a future month's update, message me here

See a reference or abbreviation you don't understand? Look it up in my ANC key term index

Don't miss March's video update! Always about 1 minute long; this month's topic is volunteering in the community


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