ANC 1C03 Commissioner
??? – ???
Adams Morgan, Washington, DC
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Hi, I'm Peter. On January 2, 2021 I began representing Single Member District 3 in the Adams Morgan Advisory Neighborhood Commission. The District of Columbia is facing a transformative moment in its history: statehood legislation passed the US House, police reform is openly and widely discussed, a fundamentally destructive administration has burdened many of us with immeasurable rebuilding, and a global pandemic is reshaping our social fabric as we speak. Adams Morgan sits in the heart of DC, and 1C03 is the heart of Adams Morgan. The time is now for a bold, young, experienced progressive leader to ensure our neighborhood is at the forefront of change.

frequently asked questions
The District of Columbia is divided into 8 wards. Each ward is then divided into 4-6 Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs). And each of those is divided into Single Member Districts (SMDs), with about 2,000 residents apiece. An ANC is the second smallest unit of DC local government, and each one has monthly meetings with all its SMD commissioners.
why did you run for commissioner?
My entire life I've been enthusiastic about learning from others. And the more I've listened, I've realized how passionate I am about transforming our collective knowledge into a greater good. As ANC commissioner in Adams Morgan, I see a great opportunity to direct that passion toward maintaining a neighborhood diverse in people and opinion. With my experience, care for nuance, and Midwestern work ethic, I am confident Adams Morgan gains in me a valuable delegate to lead the way forward.
where can i check if i'm registered to vote?
That's easy! If you live in the District of Columbia, just click here and search your home address. And if you aren't currently residing in DC, just because you can't vote for me doesn't mean you're off the hook! Click here and see if your voter registration is active.
do i live in your district?
Important question! ANC 1C03, where I'm currently in office, is a small and densely populated area. Its boundaries are 18th and 19th St NW on the east and west, and Biltmore St and Wyoming St on the north and south (see map below). You can search your address here to find out if you are in 1C03 or a different district.