The doldrums of winter are now behind us, which means Adams Morgan is lively...and covered in pollen. While a particularly tough year for those of us with seasonal allergies, the plant life of our neighborhood is ready for a beautiful several months ahead.
Several legislative priorities are also in focus this month, with DC's 2024 budget approaching finalization and neighborhood-specific issues like small business retention drawing attention. Be sure to stay informed on the issues important to you and share your voice.

Let's have a look back at April 2023, look towards May 2023, meet our organization + business in focus, and see this month's video briefing.
Voted (6-0-0) to support for a sidewalk patio permit for D Light Cafe
Supported (6-0-0) a grant application for Marie Reed Parent Teacher Organization
Voted (6-0-0) to send a letter regarding fiscal year 2024 budget recommendations
Passed (6-0-0) a resolution regarding a request to improve OSSE busing services for students with special needs
Postponed (6-0-0) consideration of a resolution regarding the expiration of the Adams Morgan Moratorium Zone to the ANC's May meeting agenda
Supported (6-0-0) a resolution opposing the proposed elimination of DC Circulator service from Woodley Park-Adams Morgan to McPherson Square Metro
Signed letter opposing service reductions for Metro's yellow line and DC Circulator bus
Signed letter calling for DC's curbside compost pilot program to include union labor
Testified at a Judiciary and Public Safety budget oversight hearing
I joined many others requesting DC Council avoid drastic budget cuts which would worsen service access for survivors of domestic violence
Volunteered in the Kalorama Park Jardín de las Mariposas (Butterfly Garden) preparing for spring bloom
Spoke with NBC4 Washington regarding public safety expenditures
The 1800 blocks of Kalorama and Wyoming have begun the conversion process to becoming one-ways
This is a multiple-step process that recently had speed humps installed with line painting next
May 1: Park facility walk-through with DPR
Begins at 5:30pm in Hargrove Park (on the corner of Kalorama and Columbia)
May 3: ANC 1C general meeting (agenda here, link to attend here)
Organization in focus: Peace for DC
When they began: 2021
What they do: Train and support community, government, and philanthropic actors for trauma recovery, conflict mediation, and restorative justice
Mission: "Amplifying and accelerating evidence-based community-led efforts to stop shootings and homicide and heal trauma in Washington, DC."
How you can help: Consider donating to help fund their programs and events like the DC Peace Academy

Business in focus: Glory Lounge
Industry: Food and beverage
Address: 2406 18th St NW
In Adams Morgan since: 2022
Be sure to check out their food specials and other events during the week

If you would like to nominate an Adams Morgan business or DC organization (including your own!) to be featured in a future month's update, message me here
See a reference or abbreviation you don't understand? Look it up in my ANC key term index
Don't miss May's video update! Always about 1 minute long; this month's topic is cost of living
